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BURN Sports Basement session - weight - S1 (Wanwen/Leon Gou)
Sports Basement
01:20PM, Sunday,
Jan 27, 2019

BURN Sports Basement Training - weight - S1
为什么总是受伤, 因为你肌肉太弱
为什么人家肌肉那么美 , 因为你太多肥肉
为什么别人可以跑那么多, 那么快还不受伤, 因为人家在cross train .

BURN 免费讲座, 正在专业学习体能健身的的超美BURNER wanwen 和野兽助教小苟专业推出系列讲座

感谢Sports Basement 协办, 讲座周, 提供sport basement 场地和20% 折扣给任何来听讲座的BURN 会员 from 1/27/19-2/2/19 。

20% off (28% if they are Basementeers) promotional period for burner

All the SB promos exclude rentals and services. Any merchandise can be purchased using the discount though.